St Cecelia's Orthodox Catholic Church is part of the world-wide Orthodox Catholic Church that was founded
by Jesus Christ nearly 2000 years ago and is dedicated to preparing for His Return.
Directly descended from the Apostolic Church our modern churches base themselves on Apostolic Tradition and individual Church
communities are self-governed. Like the original Apostolic Church, each communitiy is led by a married bishop or priest and
his wife, who are respectively responsible for the spiritual and practical organisation of each church community.
Although common in Apostolic times, this form of Church organisation died out after Christianity became the Established
Religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century. Central authority and legalistic definitions of Christian teachings may have
been desirable for the survival of the Nation State, but they led to internal disputes and so-called heresies over very minor
The revival of this form of Church government can be traced to the well-known Christian, Historical, Masonic and Psychic
author, J.S.M. Ward, who with his wife Jessie started the "Confraternity of the Kingdom of Christ" in 1927 in England. Today
there are many small groups around the world, (mainly in the English-speaking nations) who to a greater or lesser
extent base their thinking and beliefs on his teachings.
St Cecelia's Orthodox Catholic Church is one of these and maintains those teachings in their entirety.
Now through the Internet it is able to offer them to the world. It encourages any who seek the Ancient Wisdom, or who long
for the Coming of Christ and the beginning of the New Age, to make contact. And like Christ Himself (St John 6; 37) it promises
"those that seek me I will in no wise turn away".