Why are your priests encouraged to marry? Again there are many reasons. Most, perhaps all of the Apostles
were married and our Church seeks to replicate Apostolic norms. It is also true that a couple working together for God, can
do far more than either a man or a woman working alone.
Is sex wrong? The short answer is a resounding "NO". Sex is one of the two essential elements of the Sacrament
of Matrimony, and as such is not only, not-wrong, it is RIGHT and necessary. It is the abuse of sex that is wrong, just as
it is wrong to abuse any other Sacrament.
What is your view on Contraception and Abortion? It is not usually wrong to take measures to stop a child
being conceived, but it is always wrong to kill an unborn infant. Occasionally, however, it may be that killing an unborn
child would prevent a greater wrong, as for instance the death of the mother, but Abortion can never be justified
on purely selfish grounds.
How do Orthodox Catholics differ from Roman Catholics? Obviously there are many differences, but probably
the most obvious is the fact that our priests are encouraged to marry.
Can average persons be trained to contact their departed loved ones? The short answer is yes, though the
training is neither quick nor easy. However, for those who will make the effort and take the time, the Orthodox Catholic Church
will normally be able to help them to do so.
What is the difference between a Psychic and a Mystic? A Psychic, even a very competent one, is able to
reach only those spirits who dwell on the Astral Plane and occasionally some parts of the Spirit Plane. But he/she does so
either through his/her own efforts, or with the help of those contacted, who may or may not be more spiritually evolved than
he/she. Certainly they are not of a significantly higher spiritual nature and the Psychic rarely makes significant spiritual
progress through such contacts. By contrast, a Mystic seeks contact, and ultimately a spiritual union, with God and works
only through Him or those Saints and/or Angels that He delegates to that task. Because of this spiritual link with more-than-human
Entities and his/her desire to draw nearer to God he/she may make much spiritual progress through mysticism and is sometimes
permitted to travel to those higher spiritual realms that mere psychics can never reach.
What are the Seven Sacraments? A Sacrament is usually described as an outward and visible sign of an inward
and spiritual Grace. Grace is a traditional Christian term for the good karma of Christ that He sometimes gifts to His followers
to help them on their journey. In our Church the Seven Sacraments are: The Eucharist or Communion Service, Baptism, Confirmation,
Confession, Matrimony (marriage), Holy Orders (the priesthood) and Unction (anointing).
When will Christ Return? As Christ Himself tells us that even He does not know the exact time of His Return
(St Matthew 24; 36), we do not presume to give an exact date. Like other Churches we can point out the "Signs of
the Times" – those Biblical prophecies which have already been fulfilled, and our own mystics have provided more detailed
information, but for all that we will not claim to give even an approximate date. We say merely, that in comparison with the
twenty centuries that have intervened since his last Coming, it will not be long. And to emphasise this fact we also point
out that there was only a little more than 2000 years between the Coming of the Salvator as Melchizedek and His coming as
Jesus of Nazareth.
Why do we revere the mystics John and Jessie Ward? Because like the original Christian Church ours is
based on mysticism, and its present mystics derive much of their own abilities from the training and knowledge provided by
them when they were on earth, and to a certain extent still provided now from their more advanced state.
How can I learn more of the Ancient Wisdom? These FAQ’s and indeed this whole website is intended
to serve merely as an introduction to the Ancient Wisdom of the Orthodox Catholic Church. Those who seek further knowledge
can obtain it through the books advertised hereon, most of which are not available elsewhere. Alternatively they may make
personal contact with the authors of this website through the e-mail address or phone number provided.