Recent News
Rev. John Anthony Michael Cuffe was ordained Deacon on 28th October 2007 We pray for
the success of his ministry
Brother Joseph was made an Exorcist on 3rd February 2008. May God bless and sustain
Forthcoming Ordinations, Confirmations & Baptisms
God willing Julia Cuffe will start taking Holy Orders on February 24th, so please pray for Julia at this period
God Willing Brother James will be ordained as a Sub-Deacon on Easter Sunday, March 23rd, so please remember him
in your prayers
Forthcoming Special Services
Passion Sunday
7. 00pm 9th March 2008
Palm Sunday
7. 00pm 16th March 2008
Maunday Thursday (Tenebris Service) 7.
00pm 20th March 2008
Good Friday Morning (Via Dolorosa) 9.
00am 21st March 2008
Three Hours Service (The Crucifixion) 11.
45am 21st March 2008
Quiet Saturday Service 7.
00pm 22nd March 2008
Easter Dawn Service 6.
00am 23rd March 2008
Easter Day 9.
00am 23rd March 2008
Forthcoming Weddings
St Basil's Theological College.
Examinations for Diploma students commence the week starting 22nd June
Registrations for the second semester of 2008 commence 30th March 2008
For further information please contact through the e-mail address below