Story of ‘Tell’
5100 B.C.
In his first human incarnation Tell was almost helpless. He was born in about 5100 B.C. to primitive nomadic herdsmen;
a Semitic people who would later be called Akkadians, and who lived on the northern borders of the region where the settled
farmers of the land between the Twin Rivers were just beginning to create the great civilisation which became Sumer. He never
learned to speak the language of his first human parents, nor could he really understand what they tried to say to him, but
despite this he managed to convey most of his needs and wishes by grunts and signs.
At first his parents were dismayed that this, their youngest child would never be able to take his part in
the work of the clan. But as Tell grew older, they and their relatives began to see him as some sort of lucky token, and so
he was well-cared-for until his death from pneumonia at about 25 years of age.
After death Tell passed to the Astral Plane. Confused and unsure of himself at first, he soon found that
here he could communicate more easily than on earth. Most of those with whom he found himself were also simple souls, and
using telepathy he communicated well and learnt much. He also met older souls there, too – teachers who helped him to
learn many things. After some fifty years on the Astral Plane, he passed to the Spirit or Form Plane.
Though his earthly parents had been strongly religious, Tell had had no real belief in God as we understand
the concept, yet he knew that something greater than himself had been helping him throughout his life, and in this he can
be said to have at least half-believed. Perhaps, too he had learned more on the Astral Plane, and thus it was that on passing
to the Spirit Plane he found himself in what we call the Realm of Half-belief, or the Land of Twilight. He went to school
here, only a beginners’ school, but his mental capacity was still low, and although he studied conscientiously he learned
only slowly. He appeared to have made but little progress in his studies when after many hundreds of years the call came to
He followed that call, almost in the way a migrating bird follows its instinct. Without knowing how or what
was happening to him, he eventually passed into the Wall of Fire. Here, most of his memories were submerged in his great subconscious,
and he was sent back to life on earth. He was born again into an advanced Neolithic culture in what is now Bulgaria about
4350 B.C.
This time he found himself in a devoutly religious family, a privilege earned for him by his long years of study on the
Spirit Plane, and although what we would regard as "retarded", he seemed normal to his parents. Though poor throughout his
life, he was always generous and grew up to live the life of a normal peasant farmer. He married a simple peasant girl, in
an arranged marriage and they raised several simple peasant children.
The youngest of these, a little girl born lame and with a serious speech impediment held a peculiar fascination
for Tell. Perhaps she reminded him of how he himself had functioned in his previous incarnation, perhaps there was something
more, but whatever the reason, she triggered within him a peculiar feeling. A feeling that developed into the deepest real
affection he had yet known. For her part, the little one followed him everywhere from the moment she could toddle, and Tell
was strangely tolerant of the attention of his little daughter. He called her 'Helper', and was happiest whenever he was with
her. But alas, that happiness did not last long. She was only three years old, and he was about forty, when a bear killed
him in one of his own fields.
Again he passed to the Astral Plane, but this time he found himself among many of those he had known on earth.
And this time he found it easier to learn from them. He had known a simple form of Belief in God, when on earth, and here
he learned more, though it was still true that he did not fully understand belief, that lack was only because of his limited
comprehension. When after about thirty years he passed to the Spirit Plane he was not sent back to the beginners’ school
he had attended before.
He was still a young soul, but his faith was stronger, and so he studied at a higher school, though still
in the Realm of Half-Belief. Then after about four hundred years he was permitted to enter the next realm, that of Morning
Light, or Belief without Works, for by now his belief was strong and real, though as yet, he had not learned how to help those
less fortunate than himself. He no longer attended a school there, but found that there was still much to learn and he had
made relatively little progress, when after nearly two hundred more years, the call came to him and again he returned to earth.
3700 B.C.
This time he was born in the Nile Delta at about the time the Kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt began to come together
out of the many petty fiefdoms of the previous era. To all intents and purposes he was intellectually normal, and his father,
who was a tradesman himself, apprenticed him to a scribe.
This was a source of great distress to Tell who found writing hard, but he persevered, and eventually took
employment in the service of a priest of Thoth, the ibis-headed god. Here he developed a considerable interest in religion,
and especially in what his master could tell him about the afterlife. He never married, and rarely used his meagre pay on
himself. Instead he became known for his generosity to the poor, and many hungry children had cause to bless the scribe of
the Priest of Thoth.
In his late thirties he was taken by a crocodile - a death that was considered most blessed by his master,
but which Tell himself found quite unpleasant! Nevertheless he was warmly welcomed to his Astral life by many friends and
made quite significant progress in the forty odd years he spent on that Plane before passing to the Realms of the Spirit.
There he spent long in the Realm of Belief without Works, and even began to help others, passing down to the Realm of Half
Belief on many occasions, though as yet he was not considered ready to descend further.
He was still preparing himself for that step, when after nearly four hundred years the call came to him,
and he returned once more to earth life.
3250 B.C.
As a result of his generosity in his last life, Tell was born this time to a prosperous merchant family in Kish, the leading
city of Sumer, about 3250 BC. He grew up with access to most of this world’s goods, but although he was also exposed
to spiritual values, his contact with riches began to affect him more and more. Gradually his interest in material things
started to swamp his spirituality. He married the only daughter of another wealthy merchant, and began a life of prosperity
and worldly happiness. But Tell was now being exposed constantly to real temptation for the first time on earth and increasingly
he succumbed. His selfishness increased and his temper worsened, and first his children, then his servants and finally his
wife, felt the effects of his increasingly frequent tantrums.
Finally he slew one of his servants in a rage, and although his worldly wealth enabled him to escape earthly
punishment for his crime, the karma clung to him. He was genuinely sorry for what he had done, and for a while managed to
control his temper. But all too soon the lesson was forgotten and as he aged, his selfishness continued to increase. More
and more frequently he would fly into a violent rage and when his children were all grown they kept away from him as much
as they dared. Few of his servants remained in his service for very long and his wife alone stayed with him because she could
not bear the shame of leaving him, until finally, badly beaten for the third time in as many days, she fled from the house.
Tell was furious. After torturing one of the servants to discover whither she had fled, he set out in pursuit.
Finally he caught her and beat her to death, before returning to his own home. Here he lived out a miserable and solitary
existence whilst his ever-changing retinue of servants lived in constant fear of him, and his sudden rages. Eventually he
died of some sort of fit at about sixty-five years of age.
Passing to the Astral Plane, he found himself surrounded by acquaintances from earth, many of whom had been
the victims of his anger and none of whom wished him well. Often they struck him, but he fought back and though in constant
conflict, and often suffering much, he still failed to learn to control his temper. After about two years as men on earth
count time his Astral body was worn out and he passed to the Spirit Plane.
But by now any small amount of spirituality he might have brought with him from earth had been lost as a
result of his conflicts on the Astral Plane, and he no longer retained any real form of Belief. For this reason, even the
Realm of Half-Belief would not receive him, and for the first time in his journey he fell to the Realm of Unbelief or Hell
as we would call it. Now, his sins though serious were not the result of ingrained evil and his fall might well have been
stayed at what we call the Hell of the Sins of the Flesh (the Fourth Division), for though others had feared his temper, it
was his love of material things and his selfishness that had been his most constant faults. But it was not to be.
Hardly had Tell found himself in the Hell of the Sins of the Flesh, which is yet a dark and dreadful realm,
when he found himself insulted by another denizen of that place. Once again his temper got the better of him, and he struck
at the man. However, because he was not then fully capable of disciplined thought, and because his anger was not under control,
he was unable to do much harm to the other, who had had much more experience of life in that realm. Nor did he have any servants
to command – here it was every one for himself.
Thus it was that his intended victim triumphed, and seizing Tell by the wrist, called on his companions for
help. They dragged him out of the town and closed the gates behind him, so that he was forced to wander off into the dark
He wandered long in that terrible blackness, scarce able to see where his feet trod, slipping and sliding
down what seemed to be a long sloping hillside, but eventually he seemed to reach the bottom where he came to another city.
Thus it was that still suffering the effects of his many falls, he eventually found himself in the Third Division of Hell.
Here, for the first time he endured real torments, for though he had been bad tempered on earth, in this realm he soon found
that he lacked the strength of will and the innate cruelty that most of its other denizens possessed.
In one sense this was just as well, for had he done so he must surely have incurred even more karma which
might have kept him there for many long centuries. As it was he suffered much in this realm and out of sheer self-preservation,
he eventually learned to flee at the first signs of conflict, rather than losing his temper. Nor did the other vices of that
realm hold much interest for him, and so once his temper began to be controlled, he was ready to begin the long climb out
The inexperienced status of his spirit caused him to suffer much, but strange as it may seem to the uninitiated,
it was that which actually helped him to get out of Hell more swiftly than would otherwise have been possible. It seemed much
longer to him, but it was actually after less than two hundred years that he was able to leave the Third Division, and return
to the Fourth. There he remained but a short time, for though on earth, he had indulged in most of the sins of the Flesh,
they had been less binding on him than his blatant materialism. So it was that he passed quite swiftly through the Fourth
Division into the Fifth, the Hell of Materialists, where he remained for the best part of another four centuries.
For he had not yet conquered his addiction to material things, nor did he wish do so, and had made but little
progress, when he felt the call to return to earth, just as he had on so many previous occasions. This time, because he was
so much further away from the Wall of Fire, it was fainter and less insistent, and at first he was able to resist it. But
eventually he yielded, and allowed himself to be drawn towards it, though, once having done so, he knew naught of what followed
until he was born again on earth.
2600 B.C.
Now although he had progressed somewhat whilst in Hell, when the call came to him Tell was still in the Realm of Unbelief,
and surrounded by much that was evil. Nor had all his karma been paid - far from it, and these two factors combined to ensure
that in his next incarnation his birth situation was much less fortunate than it had been in his previous lives This time
he was born into a primitive African tribe about 2600 B.C., but his mother was a slave - she had been captured in inter-tribal
fighting - and she did not know which one of her masters was her son’s father. He grew up as a slave and never owned
anything of material value.
He suffered much abuse even as a child, and when the free-born boys of the tribe that were the same age as
he, were being initiated into manhood, he, as a slave, had his taken from him. The pain of his castration was bad enough,
but then infection set in and after almost a year of increasing agony it had reached his kidneys. Finally, almost mad with
pain, he was able to welcome death as a saviour from that physical torment. He died when he was seventeen years of age.
His position on earth had not provided him with much opportunity for belief, yet the people around him had
all possessed a very strong faith, and despite his not unnatural antipathy towards his owners, some of their ideas must have
rubbed off on him. Perhaps it was this that allowed him to communicate with those who welcomed him on the Astral Plane. He
knew a few of them. Some at least had been slave-children like him, who had died before him for one reason or another, and
there were other spirits too, older and wiser spirits who were willing to help him in this different form of existence.
Unfortunately, however, he did not respond well to these offers of help. Perhaps his pain had warped the
mind of his soul, or perhaps his past karma still weighed heavily upon him, but whatever the reason he was not ready to change.
Somehow the fact that he had been deprived of material things when on earth had not cured him of his materialistic tendencies,
and anger still burned strongly within him. Thus despite the efforts of those who sought to help him he remained in the lower
part of the Astral Plane.
He spent a long time on the Astral Plane in this cycle – about sixty years - but by the time he passed
to the Spirit Plane once more, he had changed little, and once again he found himself in the Hell of Materialists. But ultimately
material things have little appeal in the Spirit Realms and perhaps for this reason his sojourn there was shorter than before.
Or perhaps it was because at least some of his karma had been settled by his sufferings on earth. Whatever the reason, it
was after only about a hundred years that he met a messenger from the realms above and with his help managed to escape to
the Sixth Division. There was little to hold him there in the Hell of Hypocrisy, for that had never been his abiding fault,
and in due course he hearkened to another Messenger and entered the school for sinners in the Seventh Division.
From there, after what seemed a very long time, but which was in reality only a couple of centuries, he was
at length able to leave Hell. He passed again into the Realm of Half Belief, where once more he found himself at the beginners’
school he had first attended so many ages before and again he was a diligent student. But this time he seemed to learn faster.
Perhaps some recollection of what he had learned before still clung to him, perhaps it was because of the now much greater
range of his experiences, but whatever the reason he progressed well. He had already completed the lessons of the beginners’
school and had moved up to the higher school in the second "set" of the Realm of Half Belief, when after about 120 years he
heard the call from the Wall of Fire. He followed it reluctantly, but knew nothing more till he returned to earth again.
2100 B.C.
Tell was born this time to a poor cobbler, in Mohenjo-Daro. He also became a cobbler, and though he was never rich he was
able to marry and raise a brood of five children. The city itself was enjoying a period of prosperity, and tradesmen were
in much demand. Tell worshipped at a small temple, not far from his home, and he gradually seems to have developed a simple
faith which, however did not at first, play a major part in his life. This was until one day, when he was about forty he visited
a temple prostitute to receive the blessing of the Goddess.
He had done this on many previous occasions, for it was a normal practice in his religion, but on this occasion
he was particularly attracted to the new, fifteen-year-old servant of the Goddess who attended to his needs. It was almost
as if he had known her before, and assuming that this was so, he questioned her carefully, but she assured him that she had
but recently been brought to the city from a distant part of the Empire.
He visited her regularly for the remaining ten years of his life, and it was largely due to her influence
that religion began to assume a new meaning for him, and when he was killed by a runaway elephant he passed to a very attractive
part of the Astral Plane. He remained there for about twenty years, and then passed immediately to the first set of the Realm
of Belief without Works on the Spirit Plane.
Here, however he was very satisfied with his lot and there was little incentive for him to make further progress.
He did little for others, for there seemed no need, and many of those with whom, he associated were equally self-centred.
They were not bad spirits, but they were bigoted and self-centred, and he gradually became more like them during the 300 years
that he spent in that Realm. He did not fall lower, but he had made no real progress when the time came for him to return
to earth again.
1730 B.C.
This time he was incarnated as the son of a minor court official in the early days of the Shang Dynasty of China. When
he was grown up he succeeded his father in that position, took a cousin to wife and lived an uneventful life of some material
ease. Whilst his father lived he encouraged Tell to show respect for their ancestors, but after his death, Tell thought little
about the old man, and as he himself grew older he began to take an ever-increasing interest in material things. He strove
constantly to accumulate wealth, entertaining other court officials and once the King himself, as he schemed constantly to
improve his position. This became his main aim in life, though despite his efforts, he never became rich.
As he grew older any faith that he might have had in his youth gradually deserted him, and money became his
main god. He strove constantly to improve his situation at court, and in his early sixties, he finally succeeded in being
appointed to a minor regional governorship. Soon afterwards at 65 years of age, he died. He then spent about ten years on
the Astral Plane, where not realizing that he was dead, he still tried to accumulate wealth. When he passed to the Spirit
Plane, any belief that he might once have had was no more. His primary interest was in material things, and he found himself
in the Hell of the Materialists once again.
This time he remained there for more than two hundred and fifty years, with little reason to make progress,
until one day he met a missionary of Light. Such missionaries were not uncommon in that Realm, and normally he and his associates
(for of course in Hell he had no friends) laughed at them, but this time something attracted him to her and he listened to
what she had to say. Her words certainly affected him, for she seemed almost to know him personally. Perhaps she did! Perhaps
they had been close in a previous earthly incarnation perhaps it was something deeper. But whatever the reason, when she left
he began to try to better himself. After only a brief space, another missionary was able to help him to realize the worthlessness
of material things and he rose to the Sixth Division. He passed quickly through that Realm and again entered one of the schools
for the Regenerate. He remained there for about forty years but before he could climb out of Hell and return to the Realm
of Half-belief, he was summonsed back to earth again.
1355 B.C.
Again his accumulated karma caused him to be reincarnated in difficult circumstances. He was born in Knossos in Crete during
its declining years. His mother was a beggar woman who had been raped, and Tell was the product of that abuse. She never wanted
him and although her faith would not let her destroy him, she abandoned him when he was about three years of age. He survived
for another twelve years by begging and scrounging among the rubbish heaps of the great city, but died from food poisoning
when he was fifteen without ever learning much about religion.
On the Astral Plane, however, he met up with a group of spirits who were trying to help others, and due mainly
to their efforts, he learned to Believe in a half-hearted sort of way. When after nearly fifty years he passed to the Spirit
Plane he was able to enter the second set of the Realm of half-belief. Here he found that he still had much to learn, but
began to work avidly. He made slow but steady progress in that realm for nearly 300 years, and was nearly ready to pass to
the third Set when he was called to return to earth.
1000 B.C.
He incarnated within a Phoenician village just outside Tyre. His father was a mariner, and well-respected
in the local community, but Tell did not live long. He was just over a year old, when his father, about to embark on a long
voyage sacrificed his son to Molech.
Tell was just old enough to understand that he was to be sent to the Gods and with just enough faith to accept
his role until he saw the fire and heard the screams of the other victims. Then he understood the reality of what awaited
him. For his last few moments he screamed in sheer unadulterated terror, which ended only when the excruciating agony of the
fire seized his whole attention.
It was an agony that seemed to last for an age, but eventually it ceased and a pure white light replaced
the red flames of agony. He was greeted tenderly, caressed and comforted, and seeing that the terrible pain was now but a
dreadful memory and he so young, he recovered quite quickly. Within a few months he was growing up rapidly on the Astral Plane
and when he passed to the Spirit Plane, it was to the Realm of Belief without Works. Here, he resumed his studies almost where
he had left them off more than seven hundred years before.
He did not learn all his lessons all at once, but he was now much more ready to serve others and spent many
years helping his humbler brethren in the Realm below (the Realm of Half-Belief) though he was not yet permitted to descend
lower. He continued to learn slowly for nearly 250 years, so slowly in fact that he did not learn all the lessons of that
first set before the call came to him to return to earth. But he did learn sufficient and did so much good work that when
he returned to earth life, he was permitted to be reborn into a society, which though primitive, was highly religious.
700 B.C.
He then lived a normal uneventful tribal life in Northern Australia, following the customs of his people.
He was especially close to his mother, who although a normal woman of her tribe was wise beyond her station. And though he
grew up and became a warrior with a family of his own, Tell came to be well-regarded by his fellows, partly because of the
care he always bestowed upon his aged mother. He knew it not, but it was she, who so many lives before he had called "Helper".
She too, it had been who had helped him in Mohenjo Daro, and many times since then, both on earth and in the Spirit Realms,
but this was the first time she had played such an important role in his life. She did this for about forty years, and died
when he had reached that age.
For the next thirty years Tell remained with his people, a respected and well-beloved elder of his tribe,
whose advice was frequently sought by the younger warriors. After death he passed through the Astral Plane almost immediately
and entering the Spirit Plane found himself again in the lowest "set" of the Realm of Belief without Works. There at first,
he was quite content with his lot, and saw no reason to progress further until one day, his guide spoke to him!
Although he was no longer a young spirit this was the first time he had seen his Guardian Angel. It was a
great privilege and it had been earned for him by the wise advice he had given so freely towards the end of his life on earth.
It was from his Guide that he first learned how much further he yet had to travel. Filled with enthusiasm he started to work
assiduously and immediately began to make steady progress. He laboured thus for over 200 years and when the call to return
to earth came to him again, he had reached the highest part of the Realm of Belief without Works.
400 B.C.
Born in what is now Samoa about 450B.C. Tell was the son of the local matriarch, and the tribal medicine
man. His upbringing was free and easy as was that of all his fellows who mainly spent their time playing and helping their
mothers, and the other women of the tribe. As they grew older, the boys especially often helped their fathers, going out fishing
with them in the great canoes, and as Tell also grew older he slipped easily into the role of helping his father with the
tribe’s medical needs. Eventually he took his place, and although in a matriarchal society he never married, many of
the tribal women chose him to father their children. He never knew how many were his, but when he died from a fall at about
fifty years of age, he was mourned by dozens who claimed his lineage and by the whole region.
On the Astral Plane he continued to learn and did much good helping others, but still his past karma clung
to him and it was only after thirty years more labour that he was allowed to pass to the Spirit Plane again. He passed at
first to the third set of the Realm of Belief without works.
Here he spent only about twenty years labouring to teach those below him in the schools in the Realm of Half-Belief. This
proved his worthiness to pass higher and so he entered to the Realm of Belief with Works (Paradise) for the first time in
his already long existence. There he continued to help those below him and even descended into the Seventh Division of Hell,
though he was not yet permitted to go lower. After some 150 years he again received the call to return to earth
150 B.C.
Because of his many labours he was able to be reborn into a poor but devout Gallic farming family. He grew
up in this Bronze Age society, as it was rapidly turning to Iron Age, and eventually became a Druid Priest. He remained a
devoutly religious family man all his life, but never rose to any great height in the priestly hierarchy.
Nevertheless in his later years he was well respected by his tribe and when he died at nearly eighty years
of age his body was entombed with solemn ceremony. By then he had already passed through the Astral Plane and entered the
Realm of Belief with Works. (Paradise). Very soon he was permitted to undertake missionary work again.
He spent most of the first missionary journey in the Realm of Half-belief, and then for a while worked in
one of the missions in Hell (Seventh Division). Later, as a missionary, he descended into the Sixth Division, and on two occasions
was instrumental in bringing forth souls from that dark region.
Eventually he passed into the second set of the Realm of Belief with Works, where he continued to progress
slowly but steadily and was nearly ready to pass up again to the highest "set" when the call came to him. He obeyed it and
for the first time saw the Wall of Fire before he lost consciousness. Then he was born into a poor British family shortly
after the suppression of the rebellion of Boadicea.
100 A.D.
His father was a blacksmith who did a lot of work for the soldiers of the locally stationed Roman Legion and Tell was exposed
to a large number of religious beliefs from a very early age, for many and varied were the faiths of his father’s customers.
As Tell grew up he became more and more enamoured with the life of a soldier, and at eighteen he joined the
Roman Army, where he became a devout follower of Mithra. He served in the legions for his allotted twenty years, and then
at 39, he retired on the land-holding that was granted to him in return for those twenty years service. It was not far from
his parents’ home, and he was a devoted son to them for the remainder of their days.
When young he had participated with his fellow legionaries, in the delights of women, not all of whom were
willing, but like most of the soldiers he never married. Even when he started to farm his smallholding, it was without a wife
by his side, and he remained single for the rest of his days. Mithraism was not a religion for women, and when from his aged
parents he learned about Christianity, there was nothing there to encourage him to marry. By the time they died he had become
a Christian, though secretly, for Christianity was much frowned upon.
He lived a good and celibate life, and for many years the local Christians met regularly in his house. In
his early fifties he became a Christian priest, and it was this that led to his premature demise. Mobs of screaming locals
were pursuing a member of his small congregation who sought refuge in Tell’s house, one day when he was about sixty.
Tell tried to reason with them, but to no avail; they demanded the man’s life, and when Tell refused to give up their
intended victim, denounced Tell as a Christian too.
All might still have been well if Tell had been prepared to surrender his parishioner to the mob, for the
ex-legionary was well respected locally, but this he refused to do. He felt that he could never betray a fellow-Christian,
and ultimately both perished when the house was burned over their heads.
Though not martyrs in the strictest sense of the word, he and his parishioner nevertheless passed to a bright
and beautiful part of the Astral Plane. There Tell found many others of like mind, including some who had been members of
his own little congregation. For another ten years he worked with this small but growing group, teaching them and helping
to draw them all closer to Christ their Master, before he passed on to the Spirit Plane.
This time he was at last found worthy to pass straight to the highest part of the Realm of Faith with Works
(Land of the Noon-tide Light) more generally known as Paradise. His noble death and the many good deeds of the latter part
of his earth life, together with his work on the Astral Plane, had earned him that right. Yet here he found that he still
had much to learn.
At first He studied with his guide and then, initially in the company of an older spirit, and later alone,
he began to undertake missionary journeys into the lower parts of the Spirit Plane. He worked first in the Sixth Division
of Hell but later he descended into the Fifth, and several spirits owed their release from those dark Realms to his labours.
Finally after some 130 years of missionary work the call came again to him, and this time he was able to
travel directly to the Wall of Fire himself. It was the first time he had been permitted to approach such glory without losing
consciousness, and he even remained conscious as he entered the Wall itself. Suddenly he found himself in a hall of light.
He was in the Presence of the Judge.
"You have done well," he was told, "Continue as you have begun and your earthly sojourn will soon be ended."
Filled with faith he went forth again. Great forms of Light closed about him: darkness and pressure replaced
light and freedom. A pressure that grew ever more intolerable, as an age of ages seemed to pass in darkness. At times he struggled
fruitlessly, at others he seemed to sleep and dream, but for what felt like an eternity he remained imprisoned thus. And then
after nine months he was born on earth again.
300 A.D.
It was about 300 A.D. and a cold winter’s day in western Tibet. His parents were poor yak-herders. But his birth
had not gone unheralded. The day before, his paternal grandmother had arrived to assist at the event, for the parents were
too poor to afford a mid-wife. She it was who fulfilled that role, and who, unbidden and unasked remained in the household
as the babe began to grow up. And it was she to whom he turned most often for his daily needs, almost as soon as he could
walk, for his parents were both hard at work all day, and it was she, more than they who brought him up.
She knew him from the first, even though it must be admitted, he did not know her immediately, but she was
the one who had first taught him the beginnings of love, so many lives ago, when she had been his crippled daughter. Later
she had been his mother in Northern Australia, and now for a space at least, she would care for him on earth again.
We will continue to call her Helper, though of course that was not her name in this incarnation. In that
first incarnation she had been crippled, yes, but not, as at the time Tell had dimly felt, because she was a new human spirit
as he had been. Rather she was even then an old soul, whose incapacity at that time had stemmed from the karma of intellectual
pride, incurred in a previous incarnation. It had been a grievous fall then, and one from which it had taken her many lives
to recover, but she had learned much.
Now, more than four thousand years later, Helper was indeed an ancient spirit, but she recognised in this
little one, a spiritual potential at least the equal of her own. A potential she could feel, and without knowing all their
past together, she loved him, as if she had known him for many years.
And indeed this was true, though she remembered not that she had been his mother for forty years in Northern
Australia. They had met in other lives, too, though only briefly, but now perhaps they could again spend time together. Knowing
that her present earth life must be approaching its end, she doubted whether that time could be as long as she would have
wished, yet such as it was she would make the most of it.
It was she who first taught him of the world of the spirit, and it was she who insisted that his parents
send for the great lama of the nearby monastery. Nor was she surprised when the Great One took one look at her grandson, took
him up in his arms and blessed Kwa-min the goddess of mercy.
"When he is seven you must bring him to the monastery to be trained," he commanded, and then departed. The
command could not be disobeyed, and it is hard to say who grieved most in the two years which intervened – the parents
who were to lose their only child, or the old woman who knew she would not see her loved one in this life again.
So Tell came to the great monastery to be trained in the ways of the spirit. It was high in the mighty mountains,
far to the west of his parent's home, and there he learned much. Firstly he learned to control his own body so that it became
his slave and not his master. Food, cold, distance became equally of little consequence to him. He learned to raise his body
into the air at will and to project his thoughts, so that others would know his will even at a great distance. And it soon
transpired that once he had made that will known, none could gainsay the power of his mind, for great indeed was the strength
of his will, and all obeyed whether they would or not. He even learned to transport himself from mountain to mountain as he
had need. He could perceive and understand the auras of those around, and by the time he was twenty he could even commune
with the dead.
Thus it was that his grandmother came to know him again. Nearly eighty years old when he had entered the
monastery, she had died shortly afterwards. Scarcely pausing on the Astral Plane she had passed at once to Paradise, from
whence she was not immediately able to communicate with Tell, but, perhaps helped by the love they shared, they finally made
contact once again. But even that contact was not to last for long, for Helper had already learned most of the lessons of
that realm, and could have returned to earth almost immediately. For a short space though, she delayed her reincarnation that
she might help and guide the one she loved, but even so this contact only lasted for about twenty years. Then she returned
to earth in another body in another part of the world and Tell was deprived of her guidance.
Yet while she remained in contact with him, he followed her advice constantly, and they became closer than
ever they had been whilst they were both on earth. He felt her loss through re-birth far more than he had ever felt any loss
through physical death. Yet if anything, their parting made him redouble his efforts, and his asceticism and holiness increased
He was only just past forty when he was chosen to be abbot of the monastery, and many holy lamas came from
far and wide to pay homage to his great powers, and more especially to his wisdom. For through his contact with Helper, he
had been able to reveal to men much knowledge of that which lies beyond death and he continued to do so. His fame spread throughout
all Tibet and even in the flat lands to the south of the great mountains men spoke in hushed tones about the great lama of
the High Hills who could travel the whole world and knew all things in Heaven and earth.
Perhaps it was because of their extravagant praises at this time that Tell felt the first stirrings of spiritual
pride. Perhaps it was not till later, but when one day a delegation from the flat lands came to sit at his feet and listen
to his wisdom, he was indeed tempted, and alas he fell, and great was his fall that day, though none around knew it. For among
the many questions they asked was one of which he knew not the answer, and rather than admit this ignorance, he gave an answer
as if it were the truth, and all else believed him, for he alone knew that the answer came not from revelation, but from invention.
For that answer, so fair-seeming to mortal man, was indeed no revelation of the Truth, but his own thought,
or rather the thought of an evil spirit that had tempted him. Almost as soon as he had said it, he realised that he had been
led astray, for the evil one could not escape his spiritual powers of detection for long. Yet for pride, he would not admit
his fault to others, nor even correct himself, and not only the delegation that heard him, but many other souls through them,
were led astray because of this failure of his, for they believed his saying and lived their lives accordingly.
And through his psychic powers he knew all this, and though it grieved him, his pride would not allow him
to admit the error and thus correct it. Instead he hid his fault, and men on earth still gave heed to his wisdom. His powers
remained great but his contact with the world beyond was now corrupted, and thus it was that when next he was tempted in like
manner he fell again. And many times thus he fell as gradually he aged on earth, and still men knew it not. And if any noticed
that his powers were waning, they attributed it to old age only, so that when at length he passed, it was with great honour,
loved and mourned and respected by all.
But if he had refused to face the truth on earth, at the moment of his death, Tell knew he had fallen. He
remembered again the words the Judge had spoken to him before he had re-entered earth-life, and realised how badly he had
failed in what could have been his last earthly incarnation. Each lie he had told appeared before his face and mocked him,
telling him of the harm it had wrought in those who had believed in him. He had been ancient and venerable when he passed,
well nigh eighty earth years he had lived among men, and he spent but a brief time on the Astral Plane, and that not pleasant
for he spent it watching his earthly reputation being destroyed.
Perhaps in that might have been found his salvation, but his pride tempted him again, and at length he succumbed
to the testing, trying to prevent the damage to his earthly reputation, by using his mental powers to interfere with men on
earth. For a space he was successful; his great hypnotic ability enabled him to influence those who were damaging his reputation,
so that their words seemed hesitant and unconvincing. Yet even in this he knew he did wrong, for many more souls would surely
be led astray if his errors were not corrected.
In was therefore in great mental torment that Tell passed to the Spirit Plane after struggling for less than
a year on the Astral, and when he passed, to his horror he found darkness all about him. For his pride had been such that
it belittled his faith, and his belief, once so strong had been betrayed by Hypocrisy and Lies. He found himself in what we
call the Sixth Division of the Realm of Unbelief, the Hell of Hypocrisy, and was immediately accosted by one who strove to
test his worthiness to dwell even in that realm. But now at last he realised how low he had sunk. He ignored the tempter,
thus avoiding a further fall and terrified now at the results of his pride, he determined to make amends, though he could
not decide how. He trembled at the thought that it might be already be too late – was he already beyond salvation?
For a time he shunned all company, wandering aimlessly in the dark, striving ever to avoid the abodes of
men. Once he encountered a stranger, and fell badly, using the strength of his will to force the man to leave him alone. He
fled from Tell’s wrath, shrieking in agony, but his cries were heard and soon a body of his fellows had gathered and
attempted to cast Tell from the battlements of their city into an abyss. By the strength of his will he again managed to escape
from their efforts, for he found that though his powers were by no means unique here, they were still great enough to make
him one to be feared. For all that, the two hundred and fifty years he spent wandering in the Sixth Division of Hell was a
time of struggle and sorrow. He eventually escaped by applying one of the basic principles of karma, which he had learned
so long ago that he had almost forgotten it. It was a messenger of light who led him to remember it, for the service he himself
had rendered to others only a single incarnation before now stood him in good stead, and there was no shortage of those from
above willing to help him.
In obedience to the advice of such a one, Tell first sought out the people he had fled from and returned
to the centre of their town with the messenger at his side. Then before all, he proclaimed his fault. It was hard at first,
but the more he spoke of the wrong he had done the easier it became, and when it was done he felt better. As he had expected
the townsfolk drove him from their city in wrath, but he was elated by his victory over himself and with the messenger at
his side, he managed to reach the refuge of the Seventh Division of Hell. He learned rapidly in the school there, and then,
again with the help of a messenger from Paradise, climbed back to the land of Half-Belief.
He went back to school here, swallowing the pride that had led him to fall so far, and re-learning much that
he had once known. He progressed well, passing through each set with comparative ease. After about fifteen years in the Realm
of Half-belief he was permitted to pass to the next realm, the Realm of Belief without Works, but he had not been there many
years when the summons came for him to return to earth.
650 A.D.
Although he had made good progress on the Spirit Plane after his previous disastrous earth life, Tell’s bad earthly
karma provided him with significantly less opportunity for spiritual development in his next incarnation. He was born in a
desert encampment in Arabia about 650 A.D. and grew up to be a good Moslem. Then, when still in his teens he became a warrior
under the Umayyad Caliphs. He fought fanatically for Islam and rose rapidly in rank. He was well on his way to becoming a
general when he died in battle for his faith at about 22 years of age, and passed again to the Astral Plane.
There he spent about forty years, among many who had lived and died as he had on earth, but obviously was
unable to progress any further whilst he remained in their company, for most were animated more by hatred of their enemy than
by devotion to their faith. This was not true of Tell, and eventually he passed on to the Spirit Plane and taking up where
he had left off in the Realm of Belief without Works, began to work hard and learn much.
He progressed well and after about a century entered the first set of the Realm of Belief with Works. There
he did good service as a missionary to those in the Realm of Half-Belief, though because of his recent fall, he was not permitted
to descend any lower at this time. He spent over 100 years in this way, before the call came for him to return to earth.
920 A.D.
He reincarnated once again about 920 A.D., but this time did not even carry to full term. He was miscarried,
and buried without ceremony in a backward part of Russia. He then passed to the Astral Plane where he was well-cared-for and
taught about God as he grew up. This time, he spent more than sixty years on the Astral Plane where he learned much and his
faith became well-established. When he passed he was able to return to the first set of the Realm of Noon-tide Light. (Paradise)
There he spent more than two hundred years studying and working as a missionary in the Realm of Half-Belief.
His Guide would not yet allow him to return and serve as a missionary in Hell, lest the fault which had once laid him low
should raise its ugly head again and, Tell bowed his head and said "God’s Will be done", although he greatly desired
to take that next step. And thus all-unknowingly he passed a great test. But ere he could rise to the second set of the
Realm of Noon-tide Light (Paradise), he heard the call from the Wall of Fire again and reincarnated on earth once more.
1185 A.D.
Born as a humble peasant in Burgundy he became a simple monk in the monastery of Clairvaux, which was then but recently
founded by the great St Bernard. Little is known of his life in the monastery, except that he followed the cloistered life
with great devotion, spending many hours in worship and prayer.
He was never made a priest, though towards the end of his life, he was generally well respected by his fellows.
He died at about forty-five years of age, and the abbot himself who was present at his passing, declared that he saw him received
into Paradise. The abbot was not quite right. Tell had passed to the highest part of the Astral Plane, which is yet a bright
and glorious place. There he spent another forty years, working to assist his humbler brethren, before passing to the Realm
of Faith with Works. He spent only a brief time in the first set of that glorious Realm, and then passed to the next, where
he spent more than 170 years.
There he worked assiduously as a missionary in the Seventh Division of Hell, but though he greatly desired
it, he was not permitted to go any lower. He had just passed into the highest "set" of that Realm (Paradise proper) when he
was summonsed to return to earth again. He approached the wall of Fire with some trepidation, and did not retain consciousness
when he entered it, but in due course he was re-born on earth.
1441 A.D.
This time he was born in Byzantium twelve years before its fall. His early childhood was spent among wealthy decadence,
but when the great city fell he was taken and used as a sex slave by one of the leading warriors of the conquering Emir. Apart
from the sexual abuse itself, he was well treated, and no attempt was made to force him to abandon his Christian faith, though
it was made very plain how many advantages might be his as the protégé of so great a warrior if he became a Moslem.
He refused and remained loyal to the Christianity of his murdered parents. Ultimately, though a slave he
was allowed to marry a Christian girl and raise a family. These too, remained loyal to their Christian faith, largely because
of his fortitude, and when at 80 years of age he finally died, though still a slave, it was in peace and surrounded by his
children and their many descendants.
This time he spent only about five years on the Astral Plane, for he had lived long on earth. But in that
brief period he did much further good, helping those who were the victims of the first sectarian violence in Europe, where
the Reformation was just beginning. Then he passed on to the Spirit Plane and again he passed to the highest part of the Realm
of Belief with Works, (Paradise) where he spent much of his time acting as a missionary in the Hells of Hypocrisy and Materialism
where he had suffered so much, and where he had long sought to serve.
Then after nearly 170 years the call came for him to return to earth life once again. This time he knew what
was taking place as he had first done so many lives ago. He again stood before his Judge, and knew that the opportunity to
end his round of earth lives was approaching once again.
1695 A.D.
He was re-born among the Indians of north-western North America late in the seventeenth century. His life here was largely
uneventful, in worldly terms. His people had not come into contact with the white newcomers at that time, though some rumours
of their coming did reach his tribe towards the end of his life.
As a young man he was a great warrior, and took a wife when they were both quite young. He might almost be
said to have known her since birth for they had grown up together, yet both knew that the attraction they felt was something
much more than mere friendship. It was in this incarnation that for the first time, Tell was able to spend the bulk of his
life with the one we have called Helper - she who was his soul-mate - and to spend them in a life-long partnership.
They raised four sons and several daughters and in their old age became the most valued advisers of the tribal
chieftain, for Tell and even more especially Helper seemed to have a great knowledge of the things of the spirit. They also
seemed to be able to foresee that which would come to pass.
Eventually at about sixty years of age Tell became the regional shaman, greatly revered by all the tribes
around, and though he was again sorely tempted, this time he did not succumb to pride. Perhaps it was the presence of his
soul-mate, which helped him achieve this victory over himself, for he would always admit she was more prescient than he, but
whatever the reason, he did not fail again.
When at about 75 years of age he passed, he passed almost without stopping on the Astral Plane, to Paradise
once again, where shortly afterwards his partner joined him. There they laboured for about 120 years, sometimes together,
sometimes not, but at length the time came for Tell to return to earth again. He said a fond farewell to Helper, expecting
she would shortly follow him back to earth, and hoping that their love would allow them to meet again swiftly.
Then he passed once more into the Wall of Fire, and again he was in the Presence of the Judge. "You have
done well," he was told, "And I have a special task for you to do in the life that lies before you. Do this task well and
you will not need to return to earth again. Will you then work for Me?"
A strange thrill ran through Tell at those words. After so many lives of struggle, the prize was at last
within his grasp! At that instant there was nothing he would not have attempted. He struggled to blurt out his acceptance.
It was the first time he had dared to address the Judge directly, and he was aware that his words were not as well spoken
as he would have wished, or rather, his thoughts were still imperfect. . . . ..But even as he tried to express his willingness
his mind was stilled - the Judge had accepted his offering and was speaking again.
"It is well . . . Behold the task I would have you do . . .", He said.
And swirling visions began to fill Tell's mind. He could not fully grasp their meaning, though he tried.
There were figures in grey . . . and a wooden crucifix . . . flashes of light . . . loud thunderclaps of noise . . . . darkness
. . . darkness was all around him. . . . . and pressure. He could see nothing, but he struggled . . . and struggled as his
free spirit was incarcerated in flesh once more . . . For an age he struggled . . .. …..and then he was born on earth
1890 A.D.
He was born in north-western Prussia about 1890. A weak and sickly child, he was the third boy in a family of four boys
and three girls. Two of the girls were also older than Tell. His father was a sturdy Prussian miner, his mother came from
peasant stock and they were devout Lutherans. Every Sunday the whole family would trudge nearly two miles to the little parish
church and another two miles back again whatever the weather - rain, wind, snow or summer heat - clad in their Sunday best.
And Tell, as he grew older, came to love these weekly expeditions to Church. They were the highlight of his dreary week, but
all too often he was deemed too ill to make the journey. It was sometimes one thing and sometimes another, but despite his
enthusiasm he was lucky to make more than two Sundays in the month.
He was about six when he started to attend the local school with his elder brothers. That, too was a long
walk, though less than the other, but again, Tell’s health prevented him attending continuously. He generally managed
only about half the number of days he should have done. Sometimes he missed whole weeks at a time, and as he grew older, it
was only the efforts of his mother that enabled him to learn to read. When, however, at about eight years of age he found
that he could do so, there was no stopping him. Church and its associated Bible School remained the centre of his life, but
whenever he couldn’t attend school, he would read the Bible, or one of the few devotional books in the house. He was
confirmed in the Lutheran Church at about twelve rather later than many, but that introduced another element in his religious
life. Perhaps some of the books he had read were more Catholic than Lutheran, but to him receiving communion was suddenly
the most important moment in his week.
Even so his health still kept him away from Church as often as not, but his parents were not surprised when
at the age of sixteen he announced that he was going to study to become a pastor. What did surprise them was that the Pastor
of their local church whole-heartedly supported the boy’s ambition. They were even more surprised when despite his poor
scholastic grades he was accepted at the theological college in the neighbouring town. He boarded there, though even so his
health often failed him. But however sick he was he could still read and he did so - avidly. Eventually at the age of 23 he
graduated and was ordained in the Lutheran Church.
He was sent as pastor to a garrison town near the French border, and his parents, despite their continuing
worries about his health, encouraged him to accept the appointment. War rumours were shaking Europe at this time, but to Tell
nothing else mattered. He was starting his work for God, and although it cannot be said he remembered the words of the Judge,
some such thought must have been retained in his sub-conscious, for he was a now a driven man. It was as if he knew his life
would be a short one. He threw himself wholeheartedly into his new task, and when he was not ministering to his little flock,
he increased his own efforts in prayer and study, and often meditated late into the night.
It was during one of those late-night sessions, part-way between waking and sleeping that he met Helper again.
Perhaps it was a dream. Perhaps he was yet awake, but dream or no, he never doubted the reality of the experience. It cannot
be said that he recognised her, yet somehow he knew her. She greeted him warmly, and apologized for their separation. "I had
expected to follow you back to earth very shortly," she explained, "But there was no need. I was kept back in Paradise for
a brief space, but my final earthly lessons were learned in that last life together, and now I have been permitted to go forward.
I have passed through the Wall of Fire, and need not return to earth again. I cannot speak with you like this very often,
but I shall always be with you, inspiring you and guiding you. Listen for my voice, whenever you are in doubt, follow my guidance
and strive always to fulfil the task the Judge gave you, and soon you too will reach the end of your earthly quest."
Perhaps she said more, but it was these words which stuck in his mind, and though parts of her message were
strange to his Lutheran faith, somehow he grasped her basic meaning. He redoubled his efforts. Nothing was too much trouble
for him. If any member of his small congregation needed him, he was there for them, and even though at times, he could scarcely
drag himself from his sick bed, he would always respond to their calls for help. Who knows how long his health would have
lasted but for the coming of the War. The War to end all Wars! It passed from the Possible to the Present so quickly, so very,
very quickly! At the end of June, before the Archduke was killed, it had seemed so unlikely. Six weeks later all the major
powers were involved, and suddenly the garrison town where Tell worked was swarming with troops. Thousands of conscripts were
pouring into the district, many of them fearful and in desperate need of counselling. Tell did what little he could to comfort
them, and when, later in the year, he himself was conscripted and sent as chaplain up to the front it was almost a relief
to him.
"Figures in grey . . . and a wooden crucifix . . . flashes of light . . . loud thunderclaps of noise . .
. . ." He managed to hang his wooden crucifix against a board in a supply trench, and he knew that here was his real work
- the purpose for which he had been sent into earth life. Strangely his health improved during those dreadful autumn months,
and he worked unceasingly.
Then came Christmas, and inspired by their pastor the German troops in his section of the front fraternized
with their English opponents, turning that one Holy Day into a time of Joy. For a few brief hours, peace reigned, and some
of the troops dared to hope for a real truce, but it was not to be. Furious officers from both sides drove their soldiers
back to war, and Tell, the instigator of the truce was invited to apply for a discharge due to ill health. "Go back to your
old church immediately," he was told, "or else."
Tell did not ask what the "or else" meant, but he knew that his work was in the trenches. He stayed there.
Again he was "invited" to apply for a discharge. Again he ignored the invitation. By the middle of the next year he had received
the discharge he had never applied for. He was sick. He was very sick, but he would not, could not desert "his" soldiers.
They needed him. Hundreds of them had already died in his arms in those first six months of 1915! How could he leave them
Who knows what measures his military superiors would have used to remove him, but they were forestalled,
for the Master he served was well-satisfied with his efforts. Suddenly Tell collapsed completely. He had retired to his own
damp and smelly corner of the supply trench, late one night, and in the morning he just didn't wake up when everyone else
did. He recovered consciousness almost two days later, to find himself in a horse-drawn wagon on the way back to the field
He was feverish and hallucinating, and it was then that the devil came to tempt him. He had failed. He had
deserted his post. He must defy his carers. He would not leave "his" boys. How dare they drag him away like this! Surely that
was what God willed - that he should die caring for them at the front. Or was it? Perhaps his work there was finished. Perhaps
God had something else for him to do. He was quite delirious, but the still small voice did not desert him. "God puts you
where he wants you," it seemed to breathe in his mind. "That part of your task is ended. You have been faithful in a few things.
He will make you ruler over many things."
"If that is Thy will, so be it," he murmured and all unknowingly passed the final test.
"Send me a sign," he prayed. "If Thou wishest me to go back, let me be able to walk again; otherwise, Thy
Will be done."
But the tuberculosis was affecting his joints now, as well as every other part of his body. He never walked
again! He never even left his hospital bed, and as the Great War "celebrated" its first birthday he left this world for ever.
All who had known him in the hospital testified that even there, dying from the effects of tuberculosis, and often in dreadful
pain he would counsel and guide his fellow patients and even comfort the overworked doctors and nurses. Never once did a word
of complaint cross his lips, and often those who came to attend him, saw him lying still in bed, eyes staring unseeing at
the ceiling, lips moving slightly. Perhaps he spoke to his soul-mate: perhaps he spoke to his God. Whichever it was his carers
hardly dared to interrupt, but when circumstances compelled them to do so he was always calm and helpful.
When at length the time came, he passed almost immediately to the Spirit Plane. Though he had died so young,
he spent hardly a day on the Astral, before he came to Paradise again. Even here he was not permitted to tarry. Hardly had
he become aware of his surroundings, when the now familiar call came to him and he advanced to the Wall of Fire.
The Judge was waiting for him. And this time he knew Him. Perhaps he had always known Him, but now at last
he recognised His Face. It was as the face on his wooden crucifix. And the Judge was none other than the Master he had served
all his life – the Saviour Who had died for him. A boundless joy surged within him as he bowed low and the Judge spoke:
"Behold the path of return to earth life. It is yours by right, if you will take it. But if you will serve
Me you must forsake earth life and go on. Will you return to earth life, or will you serve Me and go on?"
And Tell bowed his head to the ground. "Go on" he murmured, and he knew that the Judge could not possibly
have heard, for he said it almost to himself. He was about to repeat himself more loudly, when Jesus answered him.
"Well done, my good and faithful servant." He said. "You have been faithful in a few things. I will give
thee charge over many. Behold your partner is waiting to lead you to your new abode."
Suddenly great forms of light were all about him, but this time darkness did not replace the light nor did
pressure build up round him, preparatory to returning to earth. Rather it was as if the light that surrounded him suddenly
became brighter. But if it had become brighter his own spiritual sight had become stronger, too, for the light no longer hurt
his eyes. Then his memories began to come flooding back, sweeping around him like the waves of a river in flood.
Yet if they were a river in flood, he was a parched and thirsty land, and as the flood swept over him, so
his spirit was opened to receive it. Memory after memory, came flooding back to him, knowledge long forgotten, welled up within
his mind - every experience from his last life and from lives before that came surging from the depths of the flood. Life
after life it came back to him all the knowledge and experience he had gained: the good, the bad, the great and the terrible,
and somehow he knew it all. It was as if he had always known it, as if he had never lost the knowledge. It had always been
a part of him.
Now the figures of light were drawing aside from before him, though they still seemed to be behind, as he
was ushered forth into the Realm beyond the Wall of Fire. A great and magnificent vista was slowly opening before his dawning
vision: a vista beside which even the wonders of Paradise seemed tawdry and insignificant. Wonderful flowers and a marvellous
countryside, all glorious to behold, gradually took form before him. Nor were his other senses unaffected. Strange and beautiful
music, together with the songs of birds and in the background, voices, as of a mighty cathedral choir, welled about him, and
accompanying it came a wonderful panoply of scents, - flowers, pine forests, fresh morning air - wonders unceasing embraced
his entire being.
Before his feet there lay two paths, yet for him there was only one. He knew as if by instinct that the one
to the left led back to earth life, whilst the other led onwards to the place his Master had prepared for him. Tell raised
his eyes and looked in that direction. He could hardly take it all in, but even as he stared in fascination, absorbing all
the wonder of it, there appeared that which made all else as naught. Radiant in glory, floating as if on a cloud of light,
a glorious crowd of spirits came slowly towards him and at their head was his partner, Helper.
She held out her arms in welcome, and for a space naught else mattered. When at last he began to take note
of his surroundings again, he was alone with her: alone in a glorious land of never-ending wonders, still gazing into the
distance. There, high on a hill a great city of light shone brilliantly, as if beckoning him. As his eyes rested on it, his
partner took his hand and started to lead him forward.
"Come," she said.