Orthodox Catholic Church of the New Age
The Logia of Melchizedek
This stained-glass design of Melchizedek and Abraham is by William Holman Hunt about 1865 |
A New Look at the Book of Genesis
As it is currently found in most modern translations of the Bible, the Book of Genesis is somewhat of an
enigma. It is generally accepted to have been written by Moses, who is usually dated from between the thirteenth and the sixteenth
centuries B.C. But it is clear that if Moses was the author then he was certainly not writing as an eyewitness. This is especially
true of the first chapter of Genesis which describes the Creation of All things through the Big Bang, an event that according
to modern science took place about fifteen billion years ago! It then traces the evolution of the Universe and more particularly
of life on earth through to a couple of million years ago, when "the Godhead made Mankind "in Our Image and after Our likeness.
. . .male and female created He them" (Genesis 1; 26, 27).
The more ancient faiths, such as the Ancient Babylonians and Hindus knew that the earth was billions of years
old, but both the followers of Zoroaster and the ancient Greek philosophers thought otherwise. And although the more ancient
faiths know better, many modern Christians accept interpretations of Genesis that can be clearly traced to the ideas of one
or both of those groups and envisage a world that is only a few thousand years old. Clearly, however, Moses knew better, and
his purpose in linking the various stages in the evolution of Creation with the various days of the week is obviously
spiritual, not historical .
Furthermore it is now well known that the word usually translated as "day" in Genesis 1 can mean any definite
but limited period of time – not necessarily twenty-four hours. It can refer to an age or even to a geological epoch,
and in this context probably does. Broadly-speaking it is plain that as long as one does not insist that each "day" refers
to a literal period of twenty-four hours, the first chapter in Genesis (plus the early part of chapter 2) is a remarkably
accurate historical narrative. Each so-called "day" marks a stage in the development of the earth, although not all stages
are of the same length.
This is not the time or place to consider this subject in detail, but following summary may be of use to
the earnest seeker.
The Physical Universe was Created at a single instant - along with all the spiritual planes of existence.
On the physical plane, the earth that we know was separated from the rest of the Universe by the vastness
of Space.
As the surface of the earth cooled, great rains produced seas that settled in depressions in the earth’s
surface, whilst the higher parts became land. Whilst the visionary seems to have seen little of what happened in those ancient
seas, he did see greenery begin to develop and spread across the land.
The ending of the great rains meant that the clouds broke up and the sun and moon became clearly visible
to the visionary, standing in spirit on the primeval surface of the earth.
Next he perceived winged creatures, (probably great insects, and later flying reptiles), and large creatures
in the seas. At first land animals were small and insignificant.
Then finally he begins to see animals of a type he can start to recognise, including cattle and
eventually man.
In the seventh period, the Bible says that God rested, and it is indeed true that in this era, the process
of physical and spiritual Evolution has been based largely around the activities of Man.
The early chapters of Genesis fall naturally into four segments, distinguished by changes in the name for
God. After the story of Creation, which actually ends early in chapter two we come to the tale of Adam and Eve, in which the
Name changes from "God" to the "Lord God". This is quite a different account. It does not deal with earthly things at all
and tells the story of the way the human spirit begins its journey to earth. The previous account may well have been based
on a personal mystical experience, but this one is quite different and probably much older. It comes from an entirely different
source and perhaps even from a different racial background.
In chapter four we come to the tale of Cain and Abel where the Name of God changes again - this time to "the
Lord". This narrative is also an allegory, but unlike the previous one it is clearly situated on earth and refers to
the way that materialism can destroy spiritual ideals. The Name changes back to "God" towards the end of chapter four, and
throughout chapter five, which is ostensibly a simple genealogy, except for the extraordinarily great ages. In actual fact
these ages refer to the whole period from one incarnation to the next, a much longer time, and taken in conjunction with a
similar genealogy in Genesis 11 suggests that the average spirit spends about twenty lives on earth spread over many thousands
of years, before it achieves the end of its quest. The story of Noah which links these two genealogies also has an allegorical
meaning, linked with that tale, but there is no doubt that it is also based on history.
The same can be said about the rest of Genesis, for although based on history, it too contains
hidden messages – not in the sense of some sort of imaginary code, but hidden away in the meanings of the Hebrew names.
Neither are they inconsequential or unconnected with one another. They provide a coherent account of the journey of the human
soul as it passes from life to afterlife and back into incarnation time and time again. It looks at the various types of lessons
the soul needs to learn as it travels towards its goal.
There is little doubt that this Ancient Wisdom reflects the Teachings of Melchizedek. It is a Lost Wisdom
that has remained concealed for thousands of years only to be discovered by the scholarship and inspiration of the great
modern mystic, John Ward. And now this Lost Wisdom of Melchizedek can be revealed to the world again, just in time for the
Salvator to Return to Earth once more.
The Sayings of Melchizedek with their Biblical References.
It is often suggested that one of the key differences between the Work of Melchizedek and the Work of Jesus
Christ lies in the New Testament. Jesus’ followers have left us written accounts of His Life and Message in the Four
Gospels, whilst those of Melchizedek provided merely an oral record - or if they did make a written record it has not survived.
But this idea is not completely correct!
The "Sayings" of Jesus Christ
Scholars tell us that in its earliest form, the Gospel Story was not really a biography of Jesus at all.
It was nothing more than a collection of His "Sayings", or "Logia" (from the Greek for "Words") which were later placed
in a biographical context to become the Gospels that we know. This earliest record has not been preserved, but scholars infer
its existence from the similarities and differences of the Gospels that have survived. It is known as "Quelle" or "Q" for
short and those who are interested can find out more about it from any good encyclopaedia. In essence, however, it is believed
to have been simply a collection of the "Sayings of Jesus". The Apocryphal Gospel of Thomas still exists in this form, but
we know that it is not in itself the original from which the Synoptic Gospels derive, because it contains sayings which are
absent from them. It may however have been based upon "Q" and it is generally agreed that the earliest accounts of the life
of Jesus Christ were in this form, though it is unclear as to whether they were originally written or merely oral records.
Introduction to the Sayings of Melchizedek
We are likewise uncertain as to whether the original record of the teachings of Melchizedek was oral or written,
but it was certainly in a similar format to the Logia of Jesus and it is that format which we have endeavoured to reproduce
in this chapter. It has been translated directly from the Hebrew and for those who are intereted in the rationale employed,
the subject is fully considered in the Book "The Lost Wisdom of Melchizedek" that is available through this site.
There seems little doubt that originally this Lost Wisdom of Melchizedek was preserved as an oral collection
of sayings, similar to those of Jesus Christ that formed the basis of the Gospels. It is to emphasise this similarity
that we have called this collection "The Logia of Melchizedek" or the "Sayings of Melchizedek". It is given hereunder.
No. |
Sayings |
Reference |
1 |
Love of Possessions causes us to wander away from the presence of God in search of pleasure. In earth life
the man who is obsessed with material possessions, erases his idea of God. The Man who is of God is goaded on by Him. Thus
adorned he follows the flowing stream of life. With sounds of joy hovering over him he returns to God from the Path of Possessions
agreeable because he has been taught surely. |
Genesis 4; 16 - 23 |
2 |
The appointed path for fallen man is this: He must repent of his sins and praise God. Thus enveloped in the
Divine Life Force he is initiated and goaded by God and will dwell in Him. |
Genesis 5; 1 - 30 |
Possessions give way in importance to ideals and they are used not abused. The desire to acquire physical
possessions gives way to an urge towards spiritual acquisitions. Emotions are not destroyed but directed towards God.
In the end, the physical body returns to its basic material components, and the astral body also fades away.
Finally even the Spiritual body gives way to the Divine Spark, which retains the essences of all physical, emotional and mental
experiences. These will be transmuted still further as the spirit wings its way towards God at the Highest Level of Consciousness.
It has trodden the Path of Possessions and found it wanting, but by the Appointed Path for Man it has found the way back to
God. |
Genesis 9; 18 – 29. |
4 |
The Spiritual body is completely covered by the Psychic. This intoxicates the human spirit, making it sorrowful
and fearful. This fear is exactly like a fire that spreads destruction. The only remedy is hard, unremitting work which makes
the spirit sorrowful, but it works, for thereby God helps to set it right. The result is the perfected human spirit, a precious
stone of joy, pure gold, made well-pleasing unto Him because of the purging it has received in the fire of mortal life. |
Genesis 10; 1 - 4 |
5 |
The physical body is in darkness when it is bound to the world and stifled by worldly desires. |
Genesis 10; 6 |
6 |
Physical desires cause suffering and trouble because they bind the spirit to earth life. Such troubles keep
the spirit imprisoned by its low desires |
Genesis 10; 7 |
7 |
Walking in darkness, the spirit entered the sleep of descent where confusion expands. The vessel of the spirit
becomes centred on ambition and personal whims. As a result his mind is divided from God. |
Genesis 10; 8 - 10 |
8 |
To be freed from that confusion, one must, grow spiritually. When a man has done so, he will be able to act
rightly, because he has learned to control his tongue. Thus his exterior growth is completed |
Genesis 10; 11 - 12 |
9 |
Those who are not free undergo tribulations from birth. But they have hearts of stone and nothing will change
them. Such men can only progress through suffering, and many lives on earth eventually change them into seekers |
Genesis 10; 13 - 14 |
No |
Sayings |
Reference |
10 |
The way of the flesh is for a man to seek material possessions, because he fears to journey without them.
Not caring who he harms to feed his desires, he rebels against God’s will. |
Genesis 10; 15 - 16 |
11 |
The preoccupation with material things even affects him after death. They weigh down his spirit body and
make him wicked. |
Genesis 10; 17 |
12 |
Falling into Hell, such a man abuses others. He rebels against God and breaks His Laws. As a result
he is imprisoned by the fires of his own anger. |
Genesis 10; 18 |
13 |
The materialist seeks only his earthly needs, but is eventually brought to a halt. He is imprisoned in Hell,
as if in a tomb, where his worldly desires are stripped away from him. Ultimately he is freed from them and bursts forth to
earth life again. |
Genesis 10; 19 |
14 |
The enlightened man knows the secret of eternal life. He is happy and prospers. By overcoming self, he is
healed of the desire for precedence.
As he circles through life after life on earth, his purpose is to achieve heavenly peace. His earthly journeys
are divided between good and evil.
His desire for physical things becomes less as he wearies with the world, and in His own good time God gathers
him from earth through death.
In that place of light the Divine Spark within him is raised higher, rising steadily to ultimate victory.
Genesis 10; 22 - 27 |
15 |
Freed from the physical, the spirit thus returns to its original state. Finally, from suffering and strain
comes forth joy as he brings his harvest of good deeds from all his many lives, back to the recording scroll of God |
Genesis 10; 28 - 30 |
16 |
A divided mind confounds the primitive spirit. |
Gen. 11 2 |
17 |
The upright man is enlightened and refreshed. His renown spreads over the earth, healing and giving life
everywhere and bringing peace. |
Genesis 11; 10 - 13 |
18 |
The one who passes in Peace revives on the other side. The one who passes is divided from his days on earth
but on the other side in that half of the river of life he finds pasture.
In that life he is pastured by a friend and together they tend the flock. Entwined and wrapped together,
they repent together till repentance slays sin and they wait at the gate of rebirth in penitence |
Genesis 11; 14 - 25 |
19 |
Waiting at the gate delays reaching the height, but repentance brings strength. Waiting at the gate delays
reaching the height, but repentance brings strength. |
Genesis 11; 25 - 27 |
20 |
Strength concealed is strength that delays growth. The Wise exalt high ideals and slay hostility. Repenting
brings strength to the one who would rule as queen.
The One who would be Queen is watchful for hostility delays reaching the Height and concealed strength twists
high ideals. Material prosperity in the wise who would scale the heights, will keep her waiting at the gate and delay her
from scaling the heights. |
Genesis 11; 27 |
No |
Sayings |
Reference |
21 |
Delaying the implementation of high ideals slays their strength and certainly strengthens the darkness. This
conceals the light within the wise ones. |
Genesis 11; 27 - 28 |
22 |
High ideals are slain by quarrelling,
Quarrelling slays counsel, so be watchful. |
Genesis 11; 29 |
23 |
The Revealer of secrets bestows a treasure of knowledge:
A divided mind is a battlefield between physical and spiritual desires. It rebels, for the highest desires
of man are a handful of truths preserved from antiquity, from the time of his original glory. |
Genesis 14; 1 |
24 |
The one who is ruled by violence is consumed by the fire of hidden faults. These make him wicked, and he
is torn away from God, by the Tester.
This separation threatens his return to the heights of the spirit for he spends all his efforts in the petty
struggles of this low and material world. |
Genesis 14; 2-3 |
25 |
Denuded of all superficiality this handful of truths invigorates growth, both in spirituality and wisdom.
An abundance of tumult and fear equally develops both edifices in primitive souls which are tempestuous and strong, but the
Divine Law sees all and distributes holiness to the upright, whether lowly souls or the highest. |
Genesis 14; 4 - 7 |
26 |
Concealed faults tend to break forth, threatening to plunder and destroy one’s spirituality and bringing
it down to the depths. The handful of Truths are thus concealed and the people are made to fear the only true cure. In the
depths they are divided in mind, violent and cursed with sorrow. |
Genesis 14; 8 - 10 |
27 |
Concealed faults break forth, consuming high ideals through the fire of their tyranny in the darkness of
hell. |
Genesis 14; 10 - 12 |
28 |
On the Other Side, high ideals produce strength in those who dwell at the summit. Gathering together, they
work towards the Highest, where high ideals rule. |
Genesis 14; 13 - 14 |
29 |
One who cherishes bloody possessions is wrapped in the darkness of hell. This is made plain by the handful
of truths. |
Genesis 14; 15 - 17 |
30 |
Give thanks for the establishment of Righteousness! The high ideals of the Idealist enable him to triumph
over hidden wiles. Working together with others to strengthen him, the Ideals of the Idealist enable him to help those in
Hell. |
Genesis 14; 18 - 24 |
31 |
The idealist is in misery, for he is ready to burst forth from materialism and all the physical things which
pertain to primitive man, as well as the emotions and conflicts that beset him
He fears the demands of his higher consciousness, but if he intends to dwell on higher planes, materialism
must be trodden underfoot. |
Genesis 15; 18 – 21. |
No |
Sayings |
Reference |
32 |
God sees the spirit enter the spiritual waters of life, which clean and consecrate it to His service.
There, the chosen spirit dwells in purity and ponders the lofty ideals of his Heavenly Father.
Through his meditations God elevate him to the heights of the spirit. This is God’s appointed way of
uplifting him. |
Genesis 16; 14 - 16 |
33 |
Those who conceal their faith reduce its value. When hidden from God its Father, such faith clings only to
human values. |
Genesis 19; 29 - 38 |
34 |
The man of faith approaches life on earth, already consecrated to God. Thus he is enabled to complete his
earthly incarnations. |
Genesis 20; 1 |
35 |
The Man of faith governs his own soul just as the wise counsellor guides a king and thus rules his earthly
incarnations. |
Genesis 20; 2 |
36 |
When the soul complains, that action reduces its faith and leads many to mock the Man of Faith |
Genesis 21; 9 - 11 |
37 |
In the desert of earth life, boastful speech and self-glorification troubles and distresses one who counsels
the seeker after perfection in this portion of his existence. |
Genesis 21; 21-22 |
38 |
His counsellor explains completely a portion of the whole truth, which moves the Man of Faith to grow at
the well of Perfection. |
Genesis 21; 32 –33 |
39 |
The man of faith hearkens to good advice and thus destroys most proud thoughts, for God stands for high things
such as wisdom and spiritual vision. Like a consuming flame they flow forth from Him to those who dwell in God. |
Genesis 22; 20 – 22 |
40 |
The soul reaches the Heavenly City, but until it crosses the threshold it is bound to the man of faith by
the common bond of earthly life. |
Genesis 23; 2 |
41 |
The man of faith is afraid. But he rejects the wide and easy path, choosing the narrow winding road of purity.
His fear is eventually destroyed by his firmness and vigour. |
Genesis 23; 7 – 10 & 17 |
42 |
Mockery binds the dweller in God by slaying good advice. But the man of faith achieves purity before the
altar of God. |
Genesis: 24 25 & 29 |
43 |
His angel rejoices at the prayers and aspirations of the man of faith
But his soul is sometimes caught by the temptations of the Tester and brought to judgement.
Only after a long struggle can he win free of the effects of the Tester’s temptations.
Despite the physical attractions that await him and the opposition of the world that oppresses him, by humility
and because of his link with God he will ultimately return to his original state. |
Genesis; 25, 1 - 3 |
44 |
He turns from worldly things, only after a long struggle but once initiated he is dedicated to seeking knowledge
of God and constantly prays to Him |
Genesis; 25, 4 |
No |
Sayings |
Reference |
45 |
God hearkens to the man of faith and inspires Him, so that there germinates within him a powerful desire
for God. This is cultivated and developed until he becomes the servant of God. His life is pleasing to God who knows him and
loves him in silence.
In the land of silence, beyond the tomb, the burden of earth life is shed and the soul is uplifted by the
light of God. After learning lessons in that bright land, he passes through the Wall of Fire
Regularly as on many previous occasions he is again inspired to take the path of rebirth. Eventually, if
he continually presses forward towards the Light he will ultimately return to God from whence he came. This is appointed
of God to the one whom He calls |
Genesis; 25; 12 - 15 |
45a |
The One whom God Calls, He appoints to circle from birth to birth. He turns at the Wall (of Fire) where he
perceives Two Paths. Choosing the Narrow Path he goes forward to success. |
Genesis; 25; 17 - 18 |
46 |
One with faith has happiness, because the beauties of heaven are his, as he dwells in God, mentally focussed
on the white and shining glory of the Highest. Yet still his Lower Self, lies in wait for an opportunity to deceive his better
nature. |
Genesis 25; 21 - 26 |
47 |
The Lower Self celebrates the fountain (of life) but dreads its fragrance, for his strength is broken in
pieces and he is mocked and fettered by its beauty. |
Genesis 26; 34 -35 |
48 |
The Higher Self of the Son of Faith is raised to the heights of glory and dwells in God, but the pride of
his Lower Self lies in wait to ensnare him. |
Genesis 28; 5 |
49 |
The Lower Self of the Son of Faith lies in wait in the plains of material existence, whilst the Higher Self
is elevated which humiliates the Lower Self of the son of faith. The Lower Self whom God calls is afflicted, but it is appointed
of God that the Man of Faith shall bring forth fruit. |
Genesis 28; 6 - 9 |
50 |
The Higher Self is raised up and his glorious soul laughs. Healed of the desire for material things, he shines
in higher realms of which he bears fruitful testimony. |
Genesis. 31; 17 - 21 |
51 |
Strife wearies the Higher Self and deceives the human soul lest it rise up with zeal to dwell in God. |
Genesis. 34; 1 - 2 |
52 |
The Higher Self is deceived if it follows material things and joins itself to them instead of staying apart
from them. |
Genesis. 34; 30 |
53 |
The spiritual man has vision. Because he hears and obeys The Lord he is joined to Him in praise. Such praise
brings its own reward to those who abide in his dwelling. The Lord shall increase his happiness, for his right judgment, will
make him a defender in the battles of God. His lot leads him straight to happiness. |
Genesis. 35: 23-27. |
54 |
The spiritual man though weary has a vision because he is able to listen to God and is attached to spiritual
things. He worships God and this brings rewards to his own soul and also to those who follow him. These will increase in numbers,
because of his goodness and compassion. |
Genesis. 35. 23 – 25 |
No. |
Sayings |
Reference |
55 |
He judges aright as he struggles to work for God and so extracts the best from the bitterness of life by
following the path that leads straight to the spiritual heights.
Such a spiritual man will have happiness and find strength in the company of many other happy men of faith |
Genesis. 35. 25 – 28 |
56 |
The Lower Self, which is the physical man in material existence, pursues only pleasure. But, though they
be strong as an oak, its links with the physical world are shattered by the call of its heavenly home. Even a sinner, by a
lifetime of effort, can make spiritual progress and God sees the fruits of his labours.
God is a refiner of gold, a friend to the one gaining experience on the upward path who strives to rid himself
of his faults until he is perfect. |
Genesis; 36; 1 – 5 |
57 |
The physical self is refined by God in order to help him become a friend of God full of fragrance. |
Genesis; 36; 10 |
58 |
God dispenses goodness to the physical self, which brings it forth to the heights. There it can look down
upon the aridities of its past life, whilst for a time the Tester is restrained by the glory of God. |
Genesis; 36; 10 – 11 |
59 |
The physical man is refined by God and cleansed of the passions that consume him. Thus the physical man advances. |
Genesis 36; 11-12 |
60 |
When the descending soul settles down and becomes God’s friend. He causes the Divine Spark within to
grow and progress on the Way of Perfection.
Respect for God and the ending of other fears make the Lower Self pleasing to Him |
Genesis 36; 13 |
61 |
The Heavenly response is to immerse the Physical Man in the Divine Life-Force and thus make him spiritual.
(or alternatively The Heavenly response is to baptise the Physical Man and so make him spiritual)
Physical man can speedily reach perfection by gaining ascendancy over his passions through penitence.
Genesis 36; 14
62 |
The Lower Self is refined by the God of Gold till it has the good fortune to reach the summit, where it can
look down upon the hunter (Tester) who imposes penance on earth and the warlike dwellers in this earthly vale. Thus God refines
the Physical Man and advances him to His Pleasure |
Genesis 36; 15 - 16 |
63 |
The Lower Self who settles down and begins to see the light is God’s friend. He is astonished, filled
with awe and terror, but his fears melt away. |
Genesis. 36: 17. |
64 |
God’s friend is the Physical Man who makes his Lower Self fragrant for Heaven. The Lower Self, though
still rough and sinful; assembles itself and hastens to ascend; ridding itself of its (sins) to become perfect. Thus Heaven
testifies about the sinful Lower Self. This is the Lower Self of Physical Man. |
Genesis. 36: 17-19. |
No. |
Sayings |
Reference |
65 |
The primitive human soul is immersed in the flowing stream of life, learning much and gathering a harvest
of many treasures. Primitive souls are rough, sinful and concerned mainly with the physical. |
Genesis. 36. 20 – 21 |
66 |
The primitive soul must first learn to hide or control his emotions, then hide and finally restrain his inclinations
to anything wrong.
Wandering from life to life, it gradually ascends, till it reaches the highest state, where stripped of its
sins, it ceases from vain striving and wickedness.
Immersed in suffering he finds the Truth through Baptism. |
Genesis. 36. 22 – 24 |
67 |
Heed Heaven’s testimony of the time of harvest:
To reach the time of harvest, a man must become wise and good. Then he can leave the earth with a joyful
and triumphant shout. To achieve this he must store up good karma by helping those less advanced than himself and turning
them from their crooked way.
So shall the time of harvest be full of joy for both the one who helps others and for those he has helped. |
Genesis; 36: 25 - 28 |
68 |
The light is veiled from Primitive souls who wander far from the Divine life-force. But to make ready for
the time of harvest they must be immersed in it. To store up good karma they must trample their primitive sinful nature under
their feet. |
Genesis; 36; 29 - 30 |
69 |
The Lower Self is judged by God. The Lower Self is swallowed up and the brutish nature is judged in Hell
and consumed. |
Genesis; 36; 31 - 34 |
70 |
Sin is swallowed up by penitence, and that which remains is nourished in the spirit planes. But speeding
away alone after passions and power is contending against the life-force of the Father. This leads to ruin on the crooked
Fierceness and worldly might assume the shape of the soul and cover it like a garment, keeping it away from
Heaven and the Divine Life-force. This outer garment of pride leads to a desire for dominion over others. |
Genesis; 36; 34 - 37 |
71 |
The desire for grace is at first small, like the nibbling of a mouse
But the Lord of Grace hears even the cry of a mouse. In His Majesty he responds even to the scream of anguish
from Hell. God’s goodness heals them all. He seeks after those who repent granting them the water of life and goodness
and thus producing children of God. |
Genesis 36; 38 - 39 |
72 |
The physical man cannot control himself and as a result he pursues evil, till it becomes his abode. He becomes
fixed in evil as strongly as an oak tree is fixed in the ground. But he is unsatisfied, for he has been distracted from his
true purpose, which is the pursuit of righteousness. |
Genesis. 36: 40 - 43. |
No. |
Sayings |
Reference |
73 |
Righteousness is the service of God and it is His precious gift to mankind. The physical man either watches
this offer of service pass him by or he gathers it in and makes use of it.
This is the story of the Lower Self, which is the Physical Man. |
Genesis. 36: 43. |
74 |
In material existence, the spirituality of man develops gradually. His tears of penitence draw forth his
spiritual essence and The Source of Life increases it. He makes contact with God, who judges his increasing worth and progressively
develops it. |
Genesis. 37. 1 – 3 |
75 |
The Source of Life shall strengthen the one who has made contact with God. As his friendship with God increases
he crosses into the spirit realms and there begins to follow the Two Laws of God. At first his efforts are feeble, like tender
sprouts but gradually develop until through these Twin Laws his mystical need for God is at last satisfied. |
Genesis; 37: 12 - 17 |
76 |
The Man of vision has seen that the Source of Life will increase him and develop him progressively, for God
hears him. For a time his life flows between the effects of past karma and the rewards of the life in which God has placed
him. This conflict develops and progressively increases. It is appointed of God to develop because of these twin effects. |
Genesis; 37; 25 - 28 |
77 |
Thus it is with the son who develops! The Source of Life shall increase him and develop him progressively.
If the Spiritual Man is deceived by such discord and trouble he will not break forth and begin to rule himself. |
Genesis 37; 29 - 36 |
78 |
The man who praises God rests in the long hidden, noble splendour of that praise. The one who values material
possessions is in anguish because of his riches. He wastes his strength guarding them but cannot achieve peace, for he is
deceived. The man who praises God is also watchful, but he is upright, like a palm tree, awake to praise God. |
Genesis 38; 1 – 7 |
79 |
The worship of the Strong is in vain, but the worship of the Upright brings peace. The Upright man is free
to cry our praises to God. A splendid portion is assigned to him if he remains Upright. His assigned portion in both this
life and the next is measured out and he worships in peace. |
Genesis 38; 8 – 15 |
80 |
The man who praises God finds his rest in that worship. He celebrates his Uprightness by praising God and
worships in Peace, then bursts forth to spread the word. |
Genesis 38; 20 – 30 |
81 |
At the beginning God shall increase that which is hidden and make it ready but it will not break forth without
much effort and increase only with difficulty |
Genesis 41; 45 |
82 |
Spiritual Growth that is kept a prisoner remains fruitless. It breaks forth only through effort and then
Increases progressively. Forgetting the past it brings forth fruit from affliction – the twin fruits of the Twin Laws
of God. |
Genesis 41: 50 - 52. |
No. |
Sayings |
Reference |
83 |
Fighting against God brings only misery. It deceives the vision of the spiritual man. |
Genesis 46; 8. |
84 |
The man of spiritual vision has passed through an agony of soul. This has set him apart from others and dedicated
him to the service of God. Thus he is surrounded by the effects of his own good deeds |
Genesis;46: 9 |
85 |
A man who hearkens to the God of Light and obeys Him will find the right way and prosper. He becomes one
with God, which in turn makes him steadfast, like a bright and shining temple pillar in the thirsty land that is desired but
sought in vain by the one who seeks material things |
Genesis 46: 10 |
86 |
One who seeks union with God dedicates his life to His Service. He becomes a stranger to his fellow mortals,
for they drive him from their midst, because his preaching makes them feel guilty and they resent him. |
Genesis 46: 11 |
87 |
One who praises God, worships Him. He knows that he is weak, and that alone he can do nothing.
He asks for Peace, and this breaks forth within him, as the Light of God illuminates him. Till now he has
watched helplessly whilst spending his strength in a vain pursuit of material things. When the Light breaks forth it increases
rapidly, surrounding him with compassion, like the wall of a tower |
Genesis 46: 12 |
88 |
God rewards the one who successfully bears the burden of life on earth. But a careless word may set him back
on the Path, and cause him to come back for another incarnation. So watch your words and thus preserve your right to the promised
reward. |
Genesis 46: 13 |
89 |
God’s gift to one who abides in Him is deliverance from fear. He becomes strong as an oak because he
trusts in God and waits on Him |
Genesis; 46: 14 |
90 |
Though weary the spiritual man reaches the high place for this is only just. |
Genesis 46: 15 |
91 |
The seer has a fortunate lot in life. He looks out on the future as from a high tower, waiting for events
to come to pass as he has foreseen. He is relaxed and serene in this knowledge and spends his time gathering good karma. He
is always alert to opportunities and will rouse himself to give refuge to those who are in trouble, helping them without fear
for himself because of his knowledge. |
Genesis 46. 16 |
92 |
The Upright Man is happy if he takes the right hand path to heaven. For it must be made plain that the Eternal
has changed the unfortunate son of evil into His own likeness. So much spiritual power pours forth on the unfortunate son
of evil, that he learns the higher truth; that God is King |
Genesis 46: 17 |
No. |
Sayings |
Reference |
93 |
The spiritual man extracts the glorious and shining essence from the tears that weary, delay and deceive
him in this transient earth life, where the soul of the spiritual man increasingly develops a strong Heaven-centredness. |
Genesis 46: 18 - 19 |
94 |
As a result of trials, one grows spiritually, for one learns from the conflicts and storms of life. Serving
God in His Church causes one to forget them and become more fruitful. |
Genesis 46: 20 |
95 |
Blessed is the man whose spiritual good fortune fills his youth. When still young he produces many good works,
whose fruits trail behind him. He delights in brotherly love, which is like the first touch of goodness that sifts his sins
from his virtues. It covers and protects him through all his earthly journeys.
This is the earthly journey of the soul of the spiritual man. |
Genesis 46: 21, 22 |
96 |
The one who rules righteously speeds towards perfection. |
Gen; 46: 23 |
97 |
Each one receives from God his allotted part in the struggle of earthly life. His place in Heaven is preserved
for him as Peace slowly develops within him. |
Genesis 46: 24 |
98 |
Thus the tender-hearted soul of the spiritual man travels through this world to become gloriously pure. |
Genesis 46: 25 |
99 |
The Higher Self is deceived by trouble but the Source of Life shall increase him through the Twin Laws. |
Genesis 46: 26 - 27 |
100 |
The Higher Self that keeps the Twin Laws shall increase progressively in the Pleasant land of the Spirit |
Genesis 46: 27 - 28 |
101 |
The Source of Life shall increase the man who finds God and in the land of the spirit he shall increase and
continue to increase progressively till he rules his physical existence and begins to rule over the Twin Laws in the Spirit
Realm. |
Genesis 46: 29 - 34 |
102 |
The strength of the Man of Faith is broken in pieces on the winding road as is vigour in physical existence.
The strength of the Man of Faith is broken but his soul rejects the snares of earth. Weary and crushed, they are supplanted
by the Higher Self. |
Genesis 49. 29 - 33 |
103 |
The Source of Life shall increase the power of one who triumphs over the Twin Laws, for he shall grow in
the Spirit Realms |
Genesis 50: 6 – 8 |
104 |
One who subdues his earthly faults is still held within the Twin Laws. He suffers sorrow and stress till
he subdues his earthly desires on the winding road. The man of faith vigorously breaks in pieces the dust of earth and shall
increase progressively within the limits of the Twin Laws. |
Genesis 50: 8 – 14 |
105 |
One who increasingly follows the Twin Laws shall increase progressively. The Source of Life shall increase
him as he pays the price and brings forth fruit from affliction.
Neglecting to increase and increase progressively makes a mockery of the man of faith, for the Higher Self
must increase till it finds God. |
Genesis 50: 22 – 25 |
Each message is numbered for ease of reference and is also marked with references from the Book of Genesis,
showing where to find the original names, from which each message is constructed.
Initially we urge the reader to study these Sayings of Melchizedek as they are given above. Taken as a whole
they provide a comprehensive insight into the journey of the human spirit throughout its many earthly incarnations, whilst
individually they contain much that can assist us mortals on that journey, even today.
It is not intended that this collection of the "Sayings of Melchizedek" should be considered to be complete,
for undoubtedly there are many other messages that can be extracted from the names in Genesis. Nevertheless, I venture to
suggest that those will provide few "new" insights, but merely variations on one or more of the themes given here. Neither
is the collection provided with commentary, for this is provided elsewhere. It has been given here simply as a collection
of "Logia", or "Sayings" just as were the words of Jesus Christ in the years that immediately followed his Ascension.
Perhaps these "Sayings of Melchizedek" were also collected and written down in this way, soon after He returned
to Heaven 2000 years earlier. Perhaps at that time they were merely an oral record and remained as such till Moses wrote the
Book of Genesis long afterwards. This is something that we may never know.
They have been given here in what may well have been their original form, as simple "Sayings", so that the
reader may reflect on the beauty and Wisdom of these Lost Teachings of Melchizedek, which are thus revealed to the world once
more after being hidden away for well nigh FOUR THOUSAND YEARS.
For Further information
Contact: Rt. Rev. John Cuffe
St Cecelia's Orthdox Catholic Church
Caboolture Qld 4510 Australia.
email Orthcathcab @ Yahoo.com.au
Telephone 61 7 5495 3393